Ketidakstabilan Struktural


Lencana penyelesaian kursus memungkinkan Anda untuk menunjukkan kesuksesan Anda. Kami bermitra dengan platform Credly Acclaim, dan lencana digital dapat digunakan dalam tanda tangan email, resume digital, dan situs media sosial. Gambar digital berisi metadata terverifikasi yang menggambarkan partisipasi Anda dalam kursus kami dan topik serta keterampilan yang dibahas. Lencana ini untuk berhasil menyelesaikan kursus Ketidakstabilan Struktural .

SKU: BDG-ST-00145 Categories: , Tag:

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What is included?

  • icon-quality-consulting

    Digital Badge

    Highlight your successful completion of the Ketidakstabilan Struktural course.

    Digital Badge

    Upon successful completion, earn a digital badge to highlight your credentials on social platforms and other digital outlets.

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    You may request a refund for this product if you are dissatisfied with your purchase for any reason within fourteen (14) days of purchase to receive a refund in full. Refunds may take up to four (4) business days to process. Your access to the badge will be revoked upon submitting a refund request. You will no longer be able to share the badge via social channels, and existing social shares will be invalidated. Check out our FAQs for more information.

    Changed your mind? PREMIUM

    You can request a refund for your badge for upto 15 days after purchase.

    Once your refund is processed the badge will disappear from your Credly account and any links posted on social media or resume will become inactive.