Is my profile information shared with third parties, for example Credly?
We do share your details with Credly to create an account to record your badges and Ansys to provide access to specific courses and content, as necessary. If the product you purchased includes Ansys Learning Cloud hours, your email is shared with Microsoft to allocate a virtual machine. However, we do not share your data […]
Who is CADFEM India Private Limited?
CADFEM India Private Limited is the third-party payment provider for the Ansys Innovation Marketplace. CADFEM is subject to privacy and confidentiality obligations to ensure that your information is secure. Only information required to process your purchase is accessed by CADFEM.
Do I need to create an account on the Ansys Innovation Marketplace?
Yes, you must create an account to make a purchase on the Ansys Innovation Marketplace. All Ansys sites including the Ansys Innovation Marketplace are connected to Ansys Single Sign On (SSO). This allows you to use one log-in and password for a seamless experience.
Why does Ansys require my location information when making a purchase?
Ansys is a U.S. company that is subject to a variety of U.S. export laws and regulations. When you make a purchase on Ansys Innovation Marketplace, Ansys is required to run an export compliance check to remain compliant with applicable laws and regulations.
Do I need to use my work or student email address, or can I use my personal email address?
Users can use their personal email address to register and make purchases on Ansys Innovation Marketplace.
Can I use my company’s Ansys Customer Portal account?
No, the Ansys Customer Portal is only used for commercial Ansys accounts purchases.
I have an Ansys Innovation Courses account. Can I use the same credentials here?
Yes, Ansys sites including the Ansys Innovation Marketplace are connected to Ansys Single Sign On (SSO). This allows you to use one log-in and password for a seamless experience.
Are my payment details stored?
We do not have access to or any of your payment details. All payment information is processed by our third-party e-commerce vendor.